Snippet #9 – Cars in Korea

It’s a cold and rainy day here in Seoul today, which made it not as pleasant as usual to go see the cherry blossoms, which are at their annual splendor right now. If I get this post done quickly, my next post will be about that.

But first, I read an article by some automotive journalists who traveled to Korea, and a few lines stuck out… the one in the first paragraph about black and white and silver Korean cars being the typical highway scenery here. So I felt like making a post about cars.

Their statement is certainly true, and I’m guilty of it too. Both of my cars have been used silver Kia Mornings, though I shopped for a different color for the 2nd one but wasn’t able to purchase it. I’m looking out the window at a rainy street in Jamsil right now, and all I see are… white, black, and grey, interrupted by an orange taxi. But there is hope! There are a few other colors dotting the arterial landscape, and plenty of foreign cars among the natives, too. Here, then, is a photographic journal of cars I’ve seen or been interested in over the past eight years. As a bonus, I’ll include just a few highlights from the 2017 Seoul Motor Show.



And yeah, this happened once to my car:

Construction shed being carried over my car!


A few Mercedes-Benzes:

Eccentric or old foreign cars:

Other assorted encounters:

2017 Seoul Motor Show:

I’ve seen one Tesla Model S on the road. They only went on sale here last year. So I look forward to seeing more and capturing a picture of one soon.

There are, of course, millions of cars in Korea, and so many models and colors. But this, of course, is just a snippet. Hope you enjoyed it ~

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